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[P-ISSN: 2413-5100] & [E-ISSN: 2413-5119]

Analyzing Environmental Impact Using Artificial Neural Networks and Image Processing

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European Journal of Scientific and Applied Sciences, 2023


  • John Balen, Lolade Nojeem, Wilmin Bitala, Utian Junta, Ibrina Browndi


Environmental analysis is an essential aspect of sustainable development, requiring the integration of various data sources to obtain a complete picture of the environmental impact of human activities. In this article, we propose an approach that combines artificial neural networks and image processing to analyze environmental impact. Our approach uses image processing techniques to analyze satellite imagery and extract features related to environmental impact. We then use artificial neural networks to model the relationship between these features and environmental impact. Our approach provides a comprehensive analysis of environmental impact, enabling policymakers and stakeholders to make informed decisions about sustainable development.

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