
ISI Journals

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[P-ISSN: 2413-5100] & [E-ISSN: 2413-5119]

Integrating Historical Memory and Aesthetics in Oil Architecture Design

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International Journal of Technology and Scientific Research, 2024


  • Sanjay Navaratnam


This article explores the integration of historical memory and aesthetics in oil architecture design, emphasizing the cultural and spatial dynamics that shape innovative and sustainable environments. By analyzing how cultural narratives and constructivist principles can influence architectural forms, this study examines the balance between functional industrial spaces and aesthetic aspirations. The research highlights the importance of preserving historical contexts while creating dynamic, future-oriented structures that honor both the cultural past and technological advancements. This study explores the innovative integration of historical memory and aesthetics in oil architecture design, emphasizing the significance of preserving cultural narratives while embracing contemporary artistic expressions. By examining architectural frameworks that balance functionality with symbolic representation, the research highlights how oil-related infrastructures can transcend their industrial nature to become monuments of collective memory and cultural identity. Through a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates architectural theory, environmental sustainability, and historical analysis, the study proposes design methodologies that honor the past while envisioning a forward-thinking, aesthetically compelling future. This fusion not only enhances the visual and emotional resonance of oil architecture but also fosters a deeper public engagement with the spaces that shape our energy landscapes.

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