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[P-ISSN: 2413-5100] & [E-ISSN: 2413-5119]

Pressure Intensity Factor Interface in Cylindrical Vessel through Crack Using Finite Element Approaches

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World Engineering and Applied Sciences Journal, 2023


  • Adalbert Baadal , Cabbon Eachan, Gabai Gabor, Iba Jabali, Yachika Zacarias


Cylindrical vessels are widely used in various engineering applications, including pressure vessels, pipelines, and storage tanks. However, these vessels are susceptible to crack propagation, which can lead to catastrophic failure. The stress intensity factor (SIF) is a critical parameter that governs the crack propagation behavior in cylindrical vessels. In this article, we investigate the SIF interaction in a cylindrical vessel with a crack using finite element methods. We perform a literature review on the topic and present our numerical results for different crack configurations. Our findings provide insights into the SIF interaction in cylindrical vessels and can aid in the design and assessment of these structures.

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